Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Die Zweite Woche

It is my second week in Stuttgart, and to be honest, I don't want time to fly by like it always does. I have been really enjoying my time here - my German grammar and vocabulary is improving everyday and I am constantly learning new things, which is the main reason I have decided to come here.

Königstraße in Stuttgart: taken by Tim Mak

Learning a new language can be a bit challenging, it's a person's attempt at translating all his/her prior knowledge and ideas into this new language. This includes gestures, thoughts and behaviour, without of course changing one's character and personality. It's finding the right balance that could make the learning process a bit difficult. However, there isn't a reason why we shouldn't try. (Warum nicht?) So I am giving it a try, meeting new people along the way and learning more about myself everyday.

Along with learning Deutsch, all exchange students get to do an extra unit, I have chosen cross culture communication. It's a very interesting topic, one that I could definitely relate to. In our class yesterday, our lecturer presented us with a few german proverbs. A few of them were:

"Ohne Fließ, kein Preis. "
"Kehre vor Deiner eigenen Tür"

I have chosen to write specifically those two proverbs, because they put in words my impression about the german culture. Without pain, there is no  gain. i.e Germans work hard, in order to eventually reap profit. Also, they are self-critical and that is a reason why they would tell someone off, if they think something is not done properly. For example, if a parent sees X crossing a red light, they would tell X off, so X wouldn't be a model for their kids. I see it as a fair and a very structured way of doing things. 

Lastly, another proverb that I really liked. 
"Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen all faulen Leute"

Mit diesem Sprichwort, muss ich  meine Hausaufgaben machen. 


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